prompt, Writing

June 2024 Prompt

Okay, so I am officially over a month behind on soooo many things… here’s a few:

1. Writing / editing

2. Blog posts / short stories

3. My big puzzle project

And why, you may ask. All because my office is currently crammed into the dining room. I don’t have access to about 90% of my office “stuff” right now. I can get to my computer and a few things like my planner, but everything else is moved for now.

We were supposed to get a new floor in my office last month. It is delayed till (hopefully) two weeks from now. I’m annoyed but dealing.

I didn’t even notice how far behind I was until yesterday when I realized I needed to make my to do list for July already.

So, even though it’s almost July, here is my June writing prompt:

“Behind the scenes at the theater”

I will get to this when I get to it, that’s all I can promise for now.

Hope you are having a great summer!

Happy reading and writing today and every day!

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