short story, Writing

Galaxy S Class Cruiser

March 2019 Short Story

Harry shuffled the deck of cards and pushed it across the table. “Deal,” he said.

“One more hand,” I agreed. It was a way to pass the time. More importantly, it was a way to avoid talking about the fact we were in a holding cell – again.

When we started on our trip, we’d underestimated how much money we would need to travel across the star system and back home again. To make up for our lack of funds, we’d been stowing away on richee ships to make it home.

The great thing about richees is that they were so consumed with enjoying themselves and spending their money on luxury space ships that they failed to notice things like a couple of stow aways.

The first time we were caught, the owner of the ship had let us off at the next port and not reported us. That time we were lucky.

This time was different though. We thought for sure that a Galaxy Cruiser S Class would be a richee on a lux cruise seeking entertainment – we were wrong.

“On your feet,” a gruff voice yelled at us from the other side of the Nano wall.

Harry and I both stood up quickly, knocking over the cards.

The voice continued giving orders, “Turn and face the wall. Hands above your heads.”

We of course complied. The people of this cruiser were not kidding when they gave orders. We weren’t on a lux cruise; we had inadvertently stowed away on a drug lord’s ship. He was rich, yes, but he was not easily fooled and paid attention when strangers appeared on his property.

And right now, we were getting his attention.

We were dragged down a hallway and into what appeared to be a conference room. There was one person in there, and he was sitting at the head of the table. It didn’t take a genius to figure this was the guy in charge.

He didn’t waste any time. We were still being thrust into the room when he said, “Tell me why I shouldn’t vent you into space and carry on with my business.”

“Because that would be murder.”

Did Harry just say that out loud? Great! Now we really were going to be killed.

“Please,” I said. “We didn’t mean any disrespect. We just need to get home. We don’t have anything of value that we haven’t already pawned, and we have no talents or skills that would be useful to anyone. We’re just dumb kids. Please. Please don’t kill us.” I didn’t look up the entire time I spoke.

The room was absolutely silent.

Finally, after fighting every urge to peek at him and see if I could gauge his reaction, he spoke, “Put them in lock-up. We’ll drop em later.”

We were returned to our cell. I picked up the cards and shuffled them. Harry righted the table. I pushed the deck of cards across the table to him. “Deal,” I said.

“One more hand,” he agreed.

Life, Writing

My Freewrite Experience

This month I purchased a Freewrite typewriter. And I am in love!!!!

If you don’t know… here are some things you may be wondering.

  • What is it?
    • It is a typewriter that has a black and white screen much like the original kindle screens. It connects to wi-fi to send the documents to your email or a cloud service.
  • Why would you need this if you have a computer?
    • I get distracted on my computer. My computer has the internet, and my email pop up automatically every time I get a new one. My computer has games, and facebook, and my checkbook, and …. you get the idea. The Freewrite is distraction free from the rabbit holes that exist on my computer.
    • It also does a better job of separating the drafting and editing process for me. Word and many other programs have squiggles or some way of letting you know that you’ve made an error. The Freewrite doesn’t check your grammar or your spelling. For me, I get caught up editing when I should be writing, so further separating the two processes for me has been amazing.

Some other things to love about it — it’s very portable, but they do make a travel version that is even smaller. It’s lightweight.

And my favorite thing — it feels like I am typing on a typewriter. I don’t know why, but typing on something that even looks like an old-fashioned typewriter makes me feel cooler. (I love gadgets disguised as old tech). There is something beautiful about the simplicity of it.

If you aren’t sold, I can’t help you, but I LOVE IT!! It’s one of the best purchases I’ve made in awhile.

Happy reading and writing this month! Short story to come in a few days courtesy of the Freewrite typewriter. 🙂

prompt, Writing

March’s Prompt

March always starts as a busy month for me; my daughter’s birthday is the first week. And now, she is on spring break from school, so I am trying to keep her busy. (Today she cleaned and organized the toy room).

Without further ado, here is this month’s prompt:

Harry shuffled the deck of cards and pushed it across the table. “Deal,” he said. “One more hand,” I agreed. It was a way to pass the time. More importantly, it was a way to avoid talking about…

Happy reading and writing this month!