
What I’ve Learned About Homeschooling My Child…

So, like many parents in this crazy world we live in right now, I got the pleasure of “homeschooling” my child through the end of the school year. (So happy it’s over).

Here are some things I learned:

  1. My daughter NEEDS to go to school. She is smart and learns easily, but she argues with me about every SINGLE assignment. If she doesn’t argue with me, her work takes less than an hour, two tops. But instead, it’s a 6-hour battle of her saying how much she hates being homeschooled and me telling her too bad. Part of it is that she’s an only child and needs more interaction than talking to me.
  2. I don’t like homeschooling. (Read number 1). In addition to a difficult 11-year-old, I honestly don’t know what she should be learning. Her school was providing some distance learning, but it wasn’t enough, so I decided to add some other subjects and keep her learning new concepts. I was using workbooks, but I have no idea if they are what she needs to be focused on to prepare for middle school.
  3. Teachers should be paid more. See 1 and 2.
  4. My child and I should not be left alone with nowhere to go for this many days in a row. She is actually easy going for an 11-year-old, but the more I’m the only person she interacts with, the more I see her pre-teen sassy side.
  5. Ultimately though, if we have to, we can muddle through. Some days are harder than others, but we survived!

I don’t know what next school year is going to be like, but we’ll survive that too.

Back to writing!!

Happy writing and reading this month!

prompt, Writing

May’s Prompt

May is almost half over, and I still haven’t posted a prompt. Like many of you, days are running together right now. Not leaving the house means weekdays and weekends have no difference to them. My kid never goes anywhere but to my computer desk and her room. Still, can’t complain; just a little worn down like many of us.

If you are looking for something to write about, here is May’s short story of the month prompt:

It was odd to be in a room full of people who all seemed to look up to my dad like he was some kind of hero. A part of me wanted to see him through their eyes just for a moment. I tried to picture him as…

Complete the Story

Happy reading and writing this month!