Book, Book Review, reading

Mid-year reading update

This year I decided to do something different to pick my reading list. I am doing an A to Z reading challenge. I’m reading a book that starts with each letter of the alphabet and then when I’m finished with that, I’m going to read a book by an author with a last name that starts with each letter.

I don’t know why but this has been a great year for reading for me so far. I’ve been reading a better variety of genres, and I haven’t felt like I’m in a reading a slump even once.

I’m almost through the first part. Here is what I’ve read for my A to Z reading challenge:

ABC Murders

Books of Blood

Chew Volume 3

Dexter by Design

Embrace Your Weird

Flowers for Algernon


How to Sell a Haunted House

Iron Gold


Kingdom of the Wicked

Legends and Lattes

Myth INC Link

Necropolis P.D.

Ordinary Monsters

Pirate Lattitudes


Red Side Story

Stars Above

Truly Devious

Unlikely Escape of Uriah Heep

And these are the books I’ve chosen to round out my list:


When Women Were Dragons

X-Men 92 Volume 1


Zombies vs Unicorns

So many of these have been great reads, but I am looking forward to finishing my list soon and continuing with this challenge.

How do you select what you’re reading next?

Happy reading and writing today and every day!

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