Life, prompt, Writing

December 2023 Prompt

It’s the last month of the year, and per usual, I’m running behind on some things. I’m trying my best to get my ducks in a row, but those darn ducks aren’t cooperating.

One of my yearly goals is to write twelve short stories every year, and here is the prompt for this month’s story:

It was strange to sit up in bed and smell the coffee coming from the kitchen and realize I wasn’t the first person up. I liked the idea of a hot cup of coffee waiting for me downstairs. But for so long it had been my kitchen and my kitchen alone, and I…

Complete the Story

If you’re writing or undertaking any other creative endeavor, I hope your current project is going well. I am making slow progress on things, but I need to pick up the pace. The end of the year is approaching fast.

However, there are too many distractions right now. And if you’re thinking it’s the holidays, you’d be wrong. It’s all the new Godzilla content! What!?! A new movie and a new show! I’m having a great month!

Happy reading and writing today and every day! (Go see the new Godzilla movie!)

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