Life, Writing

2024 To Do List

I hope everyone’s new year is off to a great start! Mine has been uneventful so far, and honestly, that’s a great start to the year. This time of year always feels like a time for things to settle in slowly and nothing exciting to happen. (Someone should tell the weather that! We’ve had some crazy cold days here in Kansas City!)

This is also the time of year where I make the list of things I hope to accomplish. I don’t usually create resolutions, but I do make a list of personal goals that I work towards a little bit at a time throughout the year.

Here is what I’m planning on so far for 2024:

  1. Read 52 books
    • I’ve already started this one. I’m three books in so far. For the first half of the year, I’m reading books in ABC order. What I mean is I’m reading a book that starts with each letter of the alphabet.
  2. Write 12 short stories
  3. Edit and publish book number 5!
  4. Participate and win NANOWRIMO
  5. Finish my recipe cross stich pattern
  6. Finish three different crochet projects
  7. Put together the 18000 piece puzzle
    • I’ve already started this one too. The puzzle is split into four sections, and I’m working on part one and making good progress.
  8. Get Zadie and Jon through part two of our DND campaign

Most of my goals have to do with reading, writing, and personal projects, and I add to this list throughout the year. I hope whatever you’re working on or towards, you accomplish your goals too!

Happy reading and writing today and every day!

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