Book, Life, Writing


Okay, so somehow, it is the last day of October already. Seems impossible to me, but somehow, it’s happened again. It’s the end of a month, and I’m still behind on basically everything I want to get done.

However, the time for procrastinating is over because tomorrow NANOWRIMO starts! And yes, despite being horribly behind on things right now, I’m still participating. It’s become something I look forward to every year.

This year, I’m going to write the first draft of my next book during NANO. I don’t know much about it yet, but I have a title and a basic overall idea.

Here is the temporary cover: (I make one for all my books as I’m drafting them. They aren’t very good covers, but they make me feel like the book must be written because obviously there’s a cover for it).

I’m still doing my NANOWRIMO prep at this point, but I’m also looking forward to starting. I’m going to begin promptly at midnight tonight!

Happy reading and writing today and every day!

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